Become A Volunteer

Join with Us! Need your heartful help

We want to save lives at some of your favorite concerts, festivals and events. A gift from you will allow us to:

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Membership Requirements:

  • Recruit volunteers from our corporate partners
  • Match volunteers to the specific skills you need
  • Automatically send documents to potential volunteers
  • Manage your photos and videos
  • Track and report opportunity metrics

New Volunteer?



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    Do you need help?

    If you have any question,
    Feel free to call us

    Call Us Today At 1-800-500-7600 We are available to help 24 hours.

    Av. Las Americas Nª7
    Santa Cruz – Bolivia

    Lunes – Viernes: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

    Noticias y actualizaciones

    Las últimas noticias, artículos y recursos de CAINCO, enviados directamente a su bandeja de entrada cada mes.

    CAINCO Cámara de Industria y Comercio - Servicios y turismo de Santa Cruz - Bolivia © 2024. Todos los derechos reservados